I blog as a personal journal. It amazes me that people would actually read what I have to say. But I get emails from people I don't know and have never met, that are ministered to through my blog. When I blog it's usually because I take the time to do it for a particular reason. I sit and just write, with very little thought ahead of time of what I want to say besides the original topic. I really think that it is God writing through me. I write, spell check, and never read it again. Some have suggested that I print out my blog and have it published as a book. I'm not sure...it's so personal.... Personal, but yet open to the public. I don't understand my own thinking...........
But tonight I want to share a story of God's Blessing. As Born again believing Christians, as most of my closest friends are, we want to walk in God's will, and direction. We desire to please our Saviour. We want to follow the Bible and all of its commands and desire all of its blessings. In the Bible it instructs us to take care of the orphans and widows. For some it is supporting an orphanage, for others it's sending money to an organization for children, for some it's volunteering, and for others it's adoption. Hopefully it's more than just one. I felt the call to adopt years ago.....when I was still married. Even before then, back in high school I had a heart for Africa. And part of my heart will always be there.
For those of us who choose to adopt, we must seek God's will. Just because the Bible instructs us to take care of the orphans doesn't mean that God wants everyone to adopt them. For some He knows it would be better for them to support adoption, or another avenue. A while back a friend and I discussed that same subject. Their family was having some difficulty in adopting, and we discussed if it was God's will, or making it God's will. How do we know if Satan is coming against us, and making a situation difficult for us, so that we might grow from it, or if it really isn't God's will??? I understand making something wonderful, God's will, because I wanted it all too much. And I believe that it can happen in adoption as well. We want to do God's work in helping the orphans, and we want to do God's will, but it isn't really what God has for us.
In my adoption, which only took 5 months for a referral, and 4 months to complete. Which is normally a year wait and four to six months to complete. My prayer to God from the beginning was this... God, if you REALLY want me to adopt a child, make it easy, come up with the money, and let everything fall into place, because if it doesn't, I quit!! I have learned the hard way that just because you are doing something good that God would support, doesn't mean that it is God's will for YOUR life.
I want to share the story of a family I know personally. I know that these people are Born again, God seeking Christians. This family tithes to their church, and are good stewards of the 90% left over. They don't have debt, live clean lives, and are very invoved in their church. They are a Christian family to look up too and many in their church do. They have a heart for Africa the same way I do. They have adopted before and had a similar situation as the one I am about to tell you... If I don't get a fact correct I know that this woman will bring it to my attention and I will correct it.
Soon after the last adoption, they decided that they wanted to adopt again. The agency they had used wouldn't let them adopt so soon. They wanted to adopt from the same country, but something led the wife to another country in Africa and another agency. She checked their website daily. Knowing that it was becoming an obsessive quest, she said that today would be the last day she would check it and to leave it in God's hands. She found two beautiful girls that day, not babies, but without special needs. Truly beautiful girls. One would ask, why would such beautiful healthy girls still be up for adoption. Other than it was God's plan. After prayer, her husband agreed to change agencies and countries. The rest of the story is proof that when it is God's will and plan for your life every thing just falls into place.
Their request for the girls was accepted in 1 day.
The approval to adopt out of birth order.
Their home study was done in 3 days.
Their fingerprints were taken immediately.
They were the last children to pass court before closing.
Their passports and visas came in record time.
Their tax return was enough to cover the adoption fees of both girls.
Her employer has decided to pay for part of their adoption.
Her employer is continuing to pay her for the possible 2 trips she will need to take.
Her employer is paying for the airline tickets.
It is suppose to take 2 trips to bring these girls home. They have heard and pray that it will only be one trip to bring them home.
They will have brought home 3 children from 2 different countries and processes in less than 8 months!!!
Why is this family being so blessed??? Because it is God's will, and God's plan.
They are a family living according to God's plan, And wanting to do God's will. They stepped out into the deep water, and trusted God to provide, and that His will, would be done.
Does this mean that people that face trials in adoption aren't doing God's will?? NO!!! I don't know why...... All I know is that this family is a great encouragement to other families who want to do God's will.
I love you sister!! Have fun in Africa for me!!! Smell the air, pick up some dirt, collect some rocks. Laugh with the people, cry with the people, kiss and kiss and kiss and kiss. I pray a special blessing over you and your daughter on this trip. I know all that read this will pray as well.......... I love you!!