Friday, September 4, 2009

Selamnesh's Dedication

July 19, 2009

When we decided to adopt, I put it all in God's hands. If it was God's plan that it would happen easily and fast. And it did!!! Praise God!!! I dedicated Selamnesh in my heart before I even met those beautiful eyes!!! But on July 19th I dedicated Selamnesh to the Lord at Pathways Church. I was a really nice service and Selamnesh loved Pastor Brad's humor and hypnotising animal crackers!!! We recieved a blessing, and she recieved her very first Bible (pink) from Pastor Brad Liebe. What a Very Special day!!!!!!!

For those of you who ask......What is dedication......
We are born again Christians. We try to follow the Bible as closely as we can. We are saved by Grace through Faith in Jesus Christ as our Savior. We believe that the Old Testament is a very important part of history, and we live by the new testament. We read in Luke chapter 2 that Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the temple to be dedicated to the Lord.

1 comment:

KamPossible said...

God Bless you and your family! You are an amazing woman, mother and child of God!

Much love!