Saturday, September 20, 2008

3 MORE DAYS!!!!!!

"They" say this is know who you are.........But .............

I wouldn't know, but if I had to guess, this is what it feels like to be on drugs!!!! I feel like I'm going insane!!!

Today at Walmart while trying to pick up last minute things.......One minute I'm crying about this all becoming reality, the next I'm giggling out loud in the middle of Walmart, that I can't believe it's becoming reality, and then I'm dazed and confused, realizing that this is becoming reality!!!!!!

I have packed all day and night. 600# of luggage guess what, the food suitcase is the only one that was over the weight limit, just means I needed to shift some goldfish crackers, sunflower seeds, and starbursts. We are allowed 100# per person for checked luggage, but only 15# for a carry on item!!!!!!!! My purse weighs more than 15#!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Janine said...

3 more days!!!! I'm praying for safe travel for you guys and that none of you get sick while over there or on your way back. Especially Lauren --- I don't know how she is going to find the energy to be a cross-continental travelor and a prom participant!!! Oh, to be that young again!