Saturday, September 27, 2008

Muskul Holiday

Good morning from Ethiopia!!

Last night we went to the Muskul Holiday Celebration. Wow!! Muskul Holiday is an Orthodox Christian holiday when St. Helen found the True Cross. So every year at this time they have a big celebration where they don't work or have school. They gather at the center of the city at the Muskul park. When you enter the park, the National "army" gives each person a pat down. They give you a trac and a candle. We walked up to the amphitheater. They have a very large tree shaped pile of sticks and branches. The celebration starts in the afternoon, they chant and sing and have people speak. The Orthodox Christian "pope" shall we say, gives a speech and message. It's long and drawn out when you have no idea what they are saying. The momentum builds as it gets dark. Then the candle lighting and then they light the tree. Families also have small fires made in front of their houses. They have a tree sticking out of the top of a pile of sticks and they decorate it with the Muskul flower that only blooms after the rainy season.

Today we spend most of the day with the babies!!! I am about to bust!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you guys are having a great time getting to know the culture a little bit .... hopefully you are taking pictures - I hope to see them at the reunion next year!